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A great way to do this with paints that do not require heat setting is to place the t-shirt by itself into a sink full of cold water that has salt mixed into it. The cold water and salt will help to keep the shirt when it is laundered from fading or bleeding. Placing airbrush art onto t-shirts can be fun and exciting. For the paint you have an internal mix or an external mix. The internal mix is when the air and the paint both mix inside of the airbrush. This will create a atomized fine dot spray pattern. This makes the internal mix a good choice for fine detailed work in your airbrush art. The point at which they come together is in the head assembly. The great part is there is no pain involved. Real tattoos come with pain and is one of the reason that some people do not get them. So using airbrush art to create a tattoo gives people the chance to have realistic tattoos without the pain. Real tattoos are permanent and you are stuck with what ever you get. You can go with a nice mural on your wall to give a room in your home an artsy feeling. Or you can scale it down and just airbrush a border at the tops of the walls. Airbrushed borders look more decorative than glued on paper borders on your walls. Thus the interior of your home can be your canvas for your airbrush art. There are couple of ways that an artist can learn how to do micro airbrush art. One way that an artist can learn how to do micro airbrush art is to obtain a video created just to teach micro airbrushing. AirBrush Action has a video titled Micro Airbrushing that features airbrush artist Robert Benedict. Cigarette lighters are also being used as a way for artist to show of their airbrush art. The once simple looking lighter is now a display item with awesome art on it. So with everything being available for artist to use as a canvas for their airbrush art and with art being the taking of something and then turning it into a masterpiece, there is now a question posed.
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