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These two factors come together to make hydroponics an extremely efficient method of food production. Hydroponics is also environmentally sound. The water consumption in hydroponic growing is significantly less than traditional growth methods; in many cases, hydroponic crops use a tenth of the water of equivalent traditional crops. Hydroponic plants are entirely water based which makes it possible to fully automate the hydroponics system. Specially formulated hydroponic fertilizer mixtures are required and should be tested after dilution to ensure a pH level of between five and six. This nutrient solution should be changed every two weeks and in between changes should be checked so the volume is kept level by adding more water only and not additional formula. The sterile medium used in hydroponic systems give home gardeners the benefit of not having to remove weeds, and minimizes soil-borne pests and diseases. If your plants are grown hydroponically, they will be healthier than plants grown in soil, because all of the growth elements and nutrients are made readily available during growth. Quick Results for your Hydroponic Veggies and Flowers Have you ever wanted a garden that would produce beautiful flowers and delicious fruits year ‘round? You can if you create a hydroponic garden in your home. A well-balanced nutrient solution for your hydroponic garden is the key to success. The nutrient solution circulates around the roots of your plant and the formula will either make your plants happy and fruitful or kill them. When growing hydroponically, the gardener will need to add all of the nutrients the plant needs to the water. Distilled water will work best for making the nutrients. Hydroponic supply stores sell a variety of nutrient mixes for specific crops and growth cycles. Plants can be propagated by a number of methods. Finally, the use of compressed bottled carbon dioxide is the most commonly used way to create the gas in a greenhouse for the desired effect. Large greenhouses have burned hydrocarbon fuels for years in an effort to increase growth in their plants. Examples of hydrocarbon fuels are propane, butane, natural gas and alcohol. 

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