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How to grow Tomatoes WITHOUT Soil at home | Hydroponic Gardening for Tomatoes

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Gardeners can give nature a helping hand while enjoying the therapeutic benefits of their garden. Gardeners will be able to watch the spectacular improvements that growing hydroponically can bring to their garden. Hydroponics has always been an ecologically sound gardening choice. It uses much less water than conventional gardening and does not erode the soil or add toxins to the environment. Many people who grow their hydroponic plants in a greenhouse will also find that they need the correct amount of carbon dioxide in the air in order for their plants to flourish. The addition of carbon dioxide in these small spaces can be accomplished in several ways. Burning hydrocarbon fuels, the use of dry ice, fermentation, decomposition of organic matter and the use of compressed bottled carbon dioxide can create the correct atmosphere for your plants to grow in. The yield of the plant is also greater. There are many reasons for the drastic differences between hydroponic and soil plants. Root growth is stimulated in the hydroponic plants due to the extra oxygen. Plants with plenty of oxygen in the root system will also absorb nutrients faster. The nutrients in a hydroponic system are mixed with water and sent directly to the root system. Many small greenhouses cost anywhere from $500 to over several thousand dollars, depending on the add-ons you choose. The basic items you need after you decide on either a grow room or greenhouse include a temperature control unit, exhaust fan, heating mats, light fixtures for your blue and red spectrum lights, an aeration system (an aquarium system works well for small gardens), pearlite, marble and Styrofoam work well as a beginning medium and rockwool, oasis or Rapid Rooters. Throughout the last century, scientists and horticulturists have experimented with different methods of hydroponics. One of the potential applications of hydroponics that helped continue research was for growing produce in non-arable areas of the world. Hydroponics was also integrated into the space program as hydroponics easily fit into their sustainability plans. ” What it means to horticulture is the growing of plants without soil. Hydroponic gardening is an exciting field that offers solutions to several problems faced in the world of food production. For impoverished people who live in a terrain or climate inhospitable to agriculture, hydroponics offers a means of growing food. 

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