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They are simple and not much fussy like many other pets for a specific food, but you have to make the things perfect for them to live and grow. Naturally, you will not allow them to get ill and ultimately expire before they become grown up young iguanas. The following are numerous important things that use you require to think about before you start to look after your infant iguana. Initially, iguana belongs to a humid and tropical climate. These are very energetic creatures in sunlight. When these reptile perceive any danger, they use their defense tools comprising their strong tail, claws, jaws and nails to protect themselves. When they are in their natural dwelling, the iguana cantinas will be careful and shield themselves from the marauders. The Food: The food given to iguana should be healthy and nutritious. You can follow a diet plan for them in consultation with an expert. The iguanas normally eat plants, vegetables and fruits. They should not be fed food containing animal protein. They may relish pizza and all junk food, but that is not good for their health. They will move around in their cage. Giant green iguana is very eager to know everything taking place around him. Its eyes will be round and it will go on flicking the tongue in and out as it moves around. Do not go for a quiet and docile iguana. Cage: Once you have selected your pet, you have to provide it a suitable place to live comfortably. You have to maintain the temperature in their enclosures. They need constant warmth for their body as they are cold blooded creature. You will have to install lamps or heaters to keep them warm in cold areas. Pet and Tamed iguana. You cannot tame your pet iguana so easily. You have to take their proper care and interact with them so that they feel comfortable and get acquainted with you and your family members. An open cage may not be suitable in view of the climate, and iguana will feel cold and may become sick. The closet is a better alternative in that respect to provide the heated place with a controlled temperature. But there are some disadvantages with using a closet. It has a confined space and it is difficult to clean it.
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