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Iguana vs Snakes (Full Clip) | Planet Earth II | BBC Earth

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You should clean the dwelling of iguana and sterilize it twice every week. You can place a few pieces of rocks, drift woods, broad limbs, branches etc. for climbing of iguanas. Water: Generally, iguanas quench their thirst for water by the vegetation consumed from plants and the food they take. In addition, they will take water when inside the tank from wood and leaves inside their tank. The following are numerous important things that use you require to think about before you start to look after your infant iguana. 1. Shelter for Protection: You cannot use just any type of cage to keep baby iguana. However, it is not so important what design or material you use for making their shelter. The size and growth of iguanas depends on the quantity of food fed to them. The best way to determine the quantity is to allow it to eat to its fill and find out how much it needs for one feed. You can work out its total food requirement for the day. Place the food in a shallow trough or bowl made of glass, ceramic or plastic. The older animals can be given food on alternative days. The type of food you feed to your iguanas will determine their health. The best food recommended for iguanas is leafy green vegetables. They should be given a balanced diet to keep them healthy. The diet should not make it lazy or fat. It is better to get the advice of an expert. There are smallest marine iguanas living in Genovesa. Marine iguanas are classified as poikilothermic creatures. They can spend only a short time in cold water of sea when they dive in search of their algae food. They normally swim in the places in islands where the water is not deep. After swimming, they normally bask in the sun to warm up their bodies. Constructing a Perfect Shelter for Iguana Iguanas love to live freely. They like to stay in large and broad natural surroundings. They prefer to have their abode on the high and dense trees. Iguanas can protect themselves from their foes and predators by hiding on the top of these trees. They are also capable to jump down and climb high for safety from the enemies without injuring themselves. 

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