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Don't just put up pictures of your work though. Make sure to actually talk to your audience. Tell them about yourself and your passion for airbrush art. Show some pictures of your work and tell your audience how you created that design. Talk about the paints that you use, the types of airbrushes and so on and so forth. Cigarette lighters are also being used as a way for artist to show of their airbrush art. The once simple looking lighter is now a display item with awesome art on it. So with everything being available for artist to use as a canvas for their airbrush art and with art being the taking of something and then turning it into a masterpiece, there is now a question posed. With airbrushing the paint goes on to the canvas more evenly than if it had been hand painted. Also the time frames are shortened when the paintings are airbrushed versus hand painted. Family portraits can be airbrushed over hand painted as well to give for a more realistic painting. The interior of your home is also a place for airbrush art. You can heat set by placing a protect cloth between the design and the iron and ironing the design or you can turn the material inside out and place in the dryer on high heat. If the acrylic does not require heat setting on fabrics then you should still protect the design from fading when washed. To do this place the clothing into a sink of cold water and salt and allow to soak. One the stencils can start to get expensive purchasing. Secondly you are limited to only creating designs based on the stencils that you can get your hands on. While these stencils can greatly aid you in your airbrush art, they also can hinder your creativity. So the best way to deal with having you use stencils and reduce costs as well as leaving your creativity open is to create your own stencils. Airbrushing the artwork on took a lot of time out of painting the vehicles over doing the designs by hand. Thus airbrush art was being experimented with on vehicles at this point. The way we use airbrushing now to create art surly has come along way from the primitive methods used by our ancestors and even our parents. 

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