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Why You Should Learn Micro Airbrush Art Micro Airbrushing is a valuable skill for all airbrush artists. Being able to do micro airbrushing will allow for the artist to create a more realistic and more in depth detail on all small areas of their airbrush design. It is in these small areas that a lot of artist miss the chance to really define the details because they are unable to fully create the detailed area. The book covers such styles of airbrushing such as fingernails, automotive, t-shirts and even leather. In July of 2007 Shanteau released another book to help other artists learn the art of airbrushing. Her book titled, Custom Automotive & Motorcycle Airbrushing teaches never before seen techniques. One must be sure of their abilities with not only the application of the right makeup but also with use of an airbrush to apply those makeups. Those that apply make up are considered artists and airbrushing on makeup is just another great way that they have found to show off their artistic median. The make up goes on water and has to dry. The Learning and Product Expo: Art is one such place to take part in workshops with airbrush experts and gain some hands on experience. While under the supervision of an expert you can quickly learn where you are making some mistakes with your work. Expert instructors include Peter West and Pamela Shanteau who hold classes at the Learning and Product Expo: Art for beginners through to advanced. If you purchase the see through folders then you can use these for stencils even if you are limited to tracing your design onto the plastic folder prior to cutting it into a stencil for your airbrush art. No matter what material you go with make sure that you remember to cut out your areas slowly. By taking your time you can make sure that everything matches up the way it should. There are several ways that you can get your airbrush art seen. Most of these ways will actually cost you nothing. The use of the internet has made it where you can show your work to the world for free. Almost everyone on the internet has started using a blog. Well you should be no different. Get yourself a free blog and start showcasing what you can do. 

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