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10 Things to Know Before Owning Chickens 🐓

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Chickens have a formulated diet that depends on their needs as befits their age and what they're meant to provide. You might do well to do some research on the recommended diet for your chickens to ensure that they are getting the proper nutrition they require. GIVING CHICKENS THEIR SPACE Not giving chickens enough space to move about or "free-range" can induce a lot of stress in them, which in turn becomes detrimental to their health. Limit also the number of chickens in a nest box. A typical nest box could accommodate four hens. Less hen for every nest box is better. Do not feed the eggshells to the chickens. Gather the shells and clean up the coop, likewise, do not feed the dirtied eggs to chickens. Introducing the chicken to the egg will start them developing a taste for it that could start the habit. It takes about two to three weeks before the hen can snap out of its "catatonia" and start laying eggs again. STRESS It's been proven that the least stressed hens produce better eggs, and that stress affects the quantity of eggs a chicken can produce. A favorable environment and constant companionship for your chickens can alleviate this problem. The Buff Orbington on the other hand is a larger bantam breed and is very friendly too. These are only some of the excellent choices. There are many more choices to select on when you surf the net. You may want your pet chicken to roam around the house, even sleep in the bedroom but the chicken would pretty much prefer its own coop to roost and its own nest box to lay eggs on. However, it doesn't mean that it's safe to neglect the environmental conditions that determine the well-being of your poultry during the cold months. Heat conduction plays a critical role in the wintering of your poultry. Placing a bed of sawdust or bundles of straw in the coop helps in keeping them warm just in case huddling together is not good enough to handle the cool temperature. The vitamin promotes increases resistance to parasite infection aside from promoting digestion and appetite. An obvious sign that the chicken lacks vitamin A is when the plumage lacks the usual luster, is pale, and is rough. There is also the lack of color intensity in the cere and there is yellowish and scaly accumulation on the beak. 

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