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Keeping Chickens and Ducks Together Safely | Bawk Tawk Podcast

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Keeping Chicken Building A Backyard Chicken Coop Every design in building a backyard chicken coop will involve three issues, how it will affect hygiene, chicken productivity, and cleanliness. Ample Spaces In designing a chicken coop the normal method for chicken raisers is to allow 3 to 4 square feet of space per chicken. The chicks will outgrow the box and you will need additional accommodation for them. Even so, provide a lamp where they could huddle together and get heat especially in the coldest hours of the morning or and when they need it, otherwise turn the lamp off to get them acclimatized to normal temperatures. The chicken house should also be made of materials sturdy enough to withstand different weather conditions and it should have ample ventilation. Space Provide enough space for chickens. Chicken could be irritable creatures when the mood strikes them and that could be just about anything. When they are, quarrels will start. A roost is also required since hens love to sleep off the ground, and nesting boxes (you can use any pliable box) to store the eggs as they come. And finally, a water dispenser and a food tray must be set up so they could feed and have their daily intake of water. These are inexpensive and can be found in any feed store. Try throwing them spaghetti and see how they will chase each other over it. A place to hang around Anyplace. As long as it is a regular place that they could roost, lay eggs and be safe from the elements and their natural enemies, the list of which is longer. Chickens you see are very sociable creatures. They would not mind too much the stroking and the cuddling when truly acclimatized to human contact. The chicken may run to you when they know that you bring a treat but that is just as far as it usually goes. The evasiveness is not totally lost. From time to time, even, with the best care, they would try to steer clear of people. 

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