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Raising Baby Chicks (Step by Step)

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The body warmth they get from simply huddling together during cold weather can go a long way into keeping them warm for most of the winter. However, it doesn't mean that it's safe to neglect the environmental conditions that determine the well-being of your poultry during the cold months. Heat conduction plays a critical role in the wintering of your poultry. If the flooring of the chicken house is made from slats, install wires underneath to prevent predators from digging from underneath. Cover weak posts with wires to prevent them from biting through and lock up the chicken hutch without fail when the chickens are roosting in their coops. Prevent access. Chicken are actually more productive when they nest on smaller boxes. A box that could house four chickens at a time is good. Smaller is better. When nesting boxes are smaller, there is also less room for the chicken to kick around the straw or wood shavings, creating less mess and keeping the straw where they should be. Another worry considered seriously is the chicken actually starving because the feeding failed in one way or the other. No. In fact it is not. Chicken may be very low maintenance birds but they have survived longer than us and their population is several hundred folds over ours. True they are prone to diseases and pests but their population is a testament that chickens are survivors. Chicken runs are the area outside of the coop where the chicken could roam about, forage for additional nutrition, play, and have dirt baths. The chicken run will depend much on the available space or local regulations. Generally, rural area regulations are relaxed followed by urban areas with strong farming backgrounds. Take note that hens that have just started to lay eggs do so in haphazard fashion, but will soon start to get their normal rhythm as the days go by. Commercial hens usually get replaced after two years, but some owners, especially those who keep their hens as pets, collect eggs even from those that have already reached the last stages of their lives. 

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