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Why Keeping Chickens is a "BAD" Idea | World Egg Crisis

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MOLTING Molting is the process by which chickens shed their feathers so they can grow new ones. This normally happens during the autumn/fall, and takes about a month. Once they've grown new feathers, egg production should start as normal. BROODING There comes a time in the cycle of a hen's life when it starts to stay in its nest box without moving much. This is sometimes complicated as when other chickens see blood, they could help peck the hapless chicken until most feathers fall or seriously wounded. Ample space rules that out. When building a backyard chicken coop then it is important to determine first the number of chicken intended for the coop. The height of the heat lamp must then be adjusted about two inches higher every week to wean them off the heat. After two weeks, the chicks will still need the extra heat but reduce the hours that the lamp is on especially during summer months. The chicks will outgrow the box and you will need additional accommodation for them. To raise chicken as pets that will follow you around, seek your company and even nap in your lap, hand raise the chicken while still a baby chick. When the chick is handled gently and treated well, good bonding results, so does trust. Chicks are one of those gentle precocious creatures and they are fun to watch and nice to have around. In building chicken nest boxes, there are designs that stand out in view of practicality and function. First though, a good chicken nest box must be planned to get the chicken lay eggs in manners that are most productive. The basics are the same. You build a box, put in some straw or wood shavings and when the time comes so too the eggs. Food and Water Chickens could live on yesterday's water but when the water has droppings it has to be cleaned. A steady supply of clean water is essential if the chickens are to be healthy. Vitamins and minerals could also be introduced into the water to boost the chicken's immunity from diseases. There are two basic types, the corn, and the pellets. 

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