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It is her airbrush art on the motorcycles that has placed her in the ranks with other famous custom airbrush artists. Her airbrush art has been featured in the 2006 Iwata, the RM 2006 and the 2007 Paint calendars. The 2006 and also the 2007 Signature Harley Davidson calendars have featured Shanteau's airbrush art. The designs are only limited to the stencils in which the artist can get their hands on and the artists imagination. This form of airbrush art has become very popular and a lot of salons around the world are offering this to their clients. Airbrush art is also available on fake nails and are sold at almost every store that carries fake nails. Cigarette lighters are also being used as a way for artist to show of their airbrush art. The once simple looking lighter is now a display item with awesome art on it. So with everything being available for artist to use as a canvas for their airbrush art and with art being the taking of something and then turning it into a masterpiece, there is now a question posed. So make sure the paint you are using is safe for the surface you will be putting your airbrush art onto. Water soluble acrylic paints are used for airbrushing art onto plastic, metal, vinyl, wood, ceramics and cloth. This makes this type of paint the choice for airbrushing art onto your model cars or airplanes. They offer the Airbrush Volume Parlor 2000 kit. This kits gives you everything that you need to open up shop and start creating great professional airbrush art tattoos. The Airbrush Volume Parlor 2000 kit contains a 4 outlet air manifold, 4 duel action ABA siphon feed kit, 4 glass airbrush bottles, airbrush holder, 1 regulator filter moisture trap, 10 60ml airbrush art tattoo ink in white, blue, red, yellow, violet, fuchsia, green, fluorescent green, fluorescent yellow and fluorescent blue as well as 1 500ml of black airbrush tattoo ink. If you can trace you can create your own stencils cheaply. All you need to do is find a design that you like and then trace it out onto paper. Make several copies of the design since you will be cutting on them. Also the airbrush paint will get them wet and they can start to tear. You will need to keep the original design so that you can refer back to it.
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