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So make sure the paint you are using is safe for the surface you will be putting your airbrush art onto. Water soluble acrylic paints are used for airbrushing art onto plastic, metal, vinyl, wood, ceramics and cloth. This makes this type of paint the choice for airbrushing art onto your model cars or airplanes. Usually this will be sold as airbrush body paint or airbrush temporary tattoo ink. These are the only types of airbrush paints that are safe to use on the human skin. These paints will have a hard time staying on skin that is oily. A tattoo artist will rub alcohol on a person's skin to kill clean and kill germs prior to beginning to start a tattoo. The art that you create with airbrushing is only limited to your own imagination. There are plenty of places to acquire stencils or get design ideas so that you can create your own stencils. If you do create your own stencils for airbrushing your automobile do not use paper to create your stencils. Automobiles need lots of paint and this will damage paper stencils rather quickly. See a couple of kids playing ball? Then turn them into angels and the ball into a cloud. Now put all of this into one art design. See where I am going with this? You just took two things you seen incorporated them both together turned them into something else and now you have a unique floating cloud playground. Killer Klown with Javier Soto will show you how to create airbrushed clowns. This video will go into how to create the popular psycho demented style of clowns. These style of clowns seem to very popular with custom paint jobs. so if you are wanting to get in on how to create these clowns, then this video is for you. Airbrush Art Tattoo Kits Airbrush art in the form of temporary tattoos are a fun and exciting way to create temporary tattoos. These tattoos last longer than other temporary tattoos and give a more realistic look to them. Unlike henna that must be hand painted airbrush art tattoos can be completed in a fraction of the time.
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