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In domestic gardens there are different methods like covering the area of the garden with many layers of newspaper for several weeks in order to control the amount of weeds. Also, you can use a black sheet instead of newspaper. You keep a newspaper for seven days, it prevents the light of the sun from entering beneath and hence kills the unwanted plants. The lawn must remain moist until the grass seed germinates. During the first few weeks, you should apply about one inch of water to your new lawn weekly. You should take into account of any rainfall you may have had prior to watering. This will ensure that you do not over water your new lawn. You should not mow your new lawn until it is at least 2 inches tall. New lawn care guidelines for seeded lawns state that it may be eight weeks before a mowing is needed. Another key component to maintaining the health of your new lawn is to never mow your grass unless it is dry. Mowing on new, wet grass can pull the newly rooted grass out of the soil. Never scalp your new lawn grass. It can save you much money in the long run and keep you from having to spend the time and money that is involved in sowing new lawn grasses. When taking your soil sample, you should take samples from 10 to 15 different areas of your lawn. Take a tablespoon of each and mix them together thoroughly. If there is not a soil testing service in your area, you can purchase a home soil testing kit at most any plant nursery. Another important lawn mowing safety instruction that should be followed is to ascertain that the mower operator is wearing proper shoes and not open sandals. A set of comfortable sturdy shoes will not only make your movement easier but also protect your feet from getting hurt. Other lawn mowing safety must haves are glasses or goggles or eyewear protection gear which will prevent eye injuries. Most soil tests will give you recommendations on what amendments or fertilizers you need to add to your soil to get it to the desired pH level. Soil tests will show you the levels of phosphorus, magnesium and calcium that are currently in your lawn soil so you don’t make costly mistakes. If you have cool season grass, such as Bentgrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Rough Bluegrass, Tall Fescue, Creeping Fescue, Annual Ryegrass and Perennial Ryegrass, you will want to fertilizer your new lawn in the fall. 

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