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You keep a newspaper for seven days, it prevents the light of the sun from entering beneath and hence kills the unwanted plants. Saturating the newspaper that you place on the ground every day helps in the decomposition of the plants that die in this process. The dead plants also help in increasing the nutrition and minerals for the soil. The seedbed needs to be tilled to at least six to eight inches. You should till the seedbed in two different directions. When you have completed tilling, you may notice that the tiller has brought debris and stones to the surface. Rake these out of the seedbed. Any amendments that need to be added to the soil should be added at this time. There are some grasses, which are considered warm season grasses and cold season grasses, which are quite suitable for the climate of North America. One has to remember that if there is some rain during the summer months, the grass is going to be dormant. The grass types which are good for cold climates, which mean the winters are cold and the summers are hot, are Kentucky Bluegrass, Red Fescue, Ryegrass and Bent grass. But today many new latest designs and technology has been incorporated in mowers that are available in the markets. The designs and technology has been applied to meet specific purposes. The smallest lawn mower is the traditional form of mower and is used on small lawns and gardens. The large and self contained mowers allow the person to ride on it throughout the garden and chop the grass as well. Tilling is very essential to allow the penetration of new seeds in the garden. Tilling cracks the top soil and lets it mix with the seeds. By the process of tilling most of the nutrients are absorbed by the soil and therefore it allows it to be absorbed by the plants and promotes a quality yield. Carts are used in lawns and gardens to carry heavy objects and waste grass from one place to another. If your soil test shows that the pH of your soil is 5.5 or lower, your soil is acidic. This means that magnesium, calcium and phosphorous are not readily available for your grass like they would be in a neutral soil. Acidic soil is commonly called “sour soil” because the soil’s organisms cease to work when the pH dips below 5.0.
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