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15 Hindi Questions & Answers for Everyday Use

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Bollywood took the limelight when the Mumbai-based film industry took the lead role from the ones in Tollygunge as the center of the film industry in India. The visual means of communication are growing more and more popular in terms of influence and patronage. This is because you can really learn a lot of things even by just keeping yourself relaxed in the safety and comforts of your home or office. The term Hindustani was used by the Turco-Persian Mughal invaders of India to Khariboli which is actually the local variant of Hindavi specifically in Delhi and nearby areas. When the Mughal reign became more evident particularly as far as northern India Hindustani was able to absorb a large amount of Turkic, Persian, and Arabic words and eventually became the lingua franca across the region. This is not replicated in India when the economy perked up. Aside from the fact that not every Indian speaks Hindi (and many Indians having no desire whatsoever to learn Hindi), the country gets by with English, the second official language sanctioned by the Indian constitution. In India, serious business is usually done in English. Practical Tips that could Help You Learn Hindi Do you plan to learn Hindi? If it is not your native language, you would surely find the initiative to be challenging. It is not always easy to learn another language other than what you naturally use. It usually takes time and much effort to be comfortable in using another, particularly a foreign language. You should learn Hindi if you aim to capitalize on the rising economic power of India. If you intend to do business in the country or with any Indian firm or businessman, it would help if you would impress through speaking the language fluently. There are many programs that intend to teach Hindi. You could enroll in any Hindi language class at study centers in your community. When you find online sites and practical ways to learn Hindi step-by-step, be determined to allocate a few hours each day for the initiative. It would be more advisable if you would set specific hours of the day for the learning effort. Stick to that schedule no matter what. 5. Supplement your Hindi lessons by watching and enjoying free Hindi films (particularly those called Bollywood movies). 

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