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Even an 8-year old child from UK also got trapped, suffocated, and died after playing with the controls of his grandfather's orthopedic chair. This happened in 2000 and the boy, prior to the accident, was right under the electrically operated chair which control he was using. Such mishaps are likely to occur even with other equipment whenever children are left playing with them in fact they already happened many times, and some of the things involved are even a lot safer than what consumers often consider as "safe". Financial constraint is a common problem of many especially in this time and age. The necessity calls for an immediate action on your part but because you have limited funds, you may think that it is quite impossible to acquire a good quality and functional chair. Alright, face the fact that you have a limited budget. Also, the lift chair is perfect to be used by those who have just gone through knee or hip surgery, people who are bugged by severe arthritis, or those who are physically handicap. Since movement is very limited for these people, they have special needs. Exerting any effort no matter how little it is can be very challenging for them. Among the lift chairs in this series, you may find one with flip-up arms, useful storage trays, and excellent recline mechanisms. Select a specific function that can support your physical requirements or you may even search for combined functions present in a single lift chair. MaxiComfort Series. This series takes pride in its ability to recline and maintain the famous "zero-gravity position". The chair will recline all at the simple touch of a button and can be halted between the normal and the 45 degree recline position. The 3-position lift chair. This chair is able to recline to a flat position of up to 90 degrees. It can be stopped at any height. This is perfect for taking naps. It also allows the patient to position the feet above his or her heart. Remember that it must be maintained to be clean. Know the guarantees and warranties. The motors wear out over time so better be sure that replacements are covered for some time. Because normally the health care policies don't cover for the cost of the purchase of a lift chair, it is important that you carefully do your research to be able to find the best piece.
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