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Designed to give any lift chair user maximum comfort, it highly reduces pressure on the spine due to gravity and thus improve posture. It also improves blood circulation. Golden Designer Series. This is the newest series by Golden Technologies that combines the essence of both functionality and style. In line with physical movement assistance, the recliner lift chair can be trusted to award nothing but solid support. Some features can also be added for an increased convenience. You can opt to put on a heating and massage system that can address problems with arthritis and joint pains. Other features that you may add include the storage and pocket systems. Back in 1941 to 1946, when World War II was endangering the security of the entire nation, La-Z-Boy has ceased its commercial operations, produced no new recliners at all, in order to manufacture chairs that can be used by soldiers fighting for world peace ie. tank seats, crash pads, etc. La-Z-Boy was also the first in United States to employ safety standards in the manufacture of lift chairs. And in case one is neither old nor handicapped, enjoying the benefits of having a lift chair during periods for relaxation is still a great consideration. Its function will allow you to have different positions that ensure healthy blood circulation. Being able to easily shift from reading, or watching TV, to sleeping, will also save you hours of trying to get your body to rest to get ready for an another day. So, read on to know the essentials of maximizing the potentials and functionalities of the medical lift chairs. Remember that these chairs are heavy and big. Of course, they come in various sizes so as to be able to accommodate individuals of different sizes. Thus, when you bring the lift chair at home, be sure to provide ample space for it. Of course the manufacturers do not mean to encourage (virtually) all individuals to use lifting mechanisms when standing up from a sitting position, or vice versa. But whenever you'd like to take a rest perhaps read a book or watch television shows, or even take a nap reclining to some specific positions can surely help you prevent certain health problems that may otherwise cost you worth of hundreds of lift chairs to cure.
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