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Making Marriage Work | Dr. John Gottman

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Regardless of how hard you and your husband or wife try to avoid a confrontation in front of the kids, it happens. This is not always horrible. Children fight among themselves and make up again. Adults can do the same. It is advisable to speak privately with your mate about hot topics. Dress up and go out on the town. Finding Time for Marriage Help Today, schedules are hectic and chaotic. We all feel that the day should be lengthen by ten or twelve hours to squeeze in everything on our to-do list. When you are working, caring for the lawn, chauffeuring the kids from soccer to scouts, and cooking dinner, it is hard to find time for anything else. This shocking and tragic news can quickly change things in a marriage. During this time of extreme stress, it may be a good idea to seek marriage help and support. When a loved one is facing a terminal illness head on, such as cancer, a couple goes through numerous emotions and stages of acceptance. Partners will not go through these stages and emotions at the same time. A therapist that provides marriage help will tell you it is easier to manage problems when they are small rather than allowing them to build up. Show your commitment to your spouse. Avoid any marriage help by letting your loved one know how much he or she means to you. You do not need to be elaborate in your efforts unless you want to do so. With the age of technology, couples like you can be connected with mentor couples who have been through similar circumstances as the ones you are experiencing. Do keep in mind, the couples you meet online and chat with over the phone may have no specialized training. Nevertheless, the listening ear and practical advice may be just the help your marriage needs. Articles on the internet are available specifically designed to educate couples about issues in their marriage. Educate yourself on the topics that give you and your wife the most trouble. If you and your wife argue about disciplining the children, why not take a child development class or read up on the topic online. 

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