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Marriage Tips for Long Term Success Marriage is an institution as old as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Many of us have worked very hard to keep our marriage and our families together in harmony. I really like the old adage “Marriage is made in heaven, but so is thunder and lightning.” That sums up how a marriage can go but with careful consideration and communication, your marriage can remain for a long time. They can be luxurious or simple, but the effect will be the same. Money is a n easy gift, but can really help out a newlywed couple. Money can be used for future honeymoon plans, help to build a savings account, or help with other needs during the couple’s newlywed status. Giving money in a creative form, in a special card or gift box, works we as a great marriage gift. They will be able to advise you on everything from where to find a dress if you haven’t brought one with you, to getting some photographs, and tracking down the perfect venue for your ceremony. Even without a wedding planner, a Las Vegas wedding is fairly simple to arrange however. With some of the venues open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, there’s usually some time available for a reservation at the venue of your choosing. Contact the DC offices at 202-442-9009. Massachusetts’s marriage laws have, in recent years, come to the forefront of politics. In 2004, the state began permitting same sex marriages. While there are legal challenges to this law, as of the time of this article same sex partners are permitted to marry, though their status is not recognized throughout most of the United States. Large Public Events This one may seem a bit clich , and will not top everyone’s list of marriage proposal ideas. If your significant other loves drama and being the center of attention, ask her to marry you on the jumbo screen of a concert, sporting event, or other large public event. Contact event staff well in advance to inquire about available options. The tradition of the wedding ring is based on the idea that the wedding ring is the symbol of the love between the two people. The ring has no beginning and no end. In addition, they are a tangible symbol of the vows the couples have made to each other on their wedding day. The Question of “Obey” The traditional wedding vows for the groom include the phrase “to love and cherish” until parted by death. 

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