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Keeping watch of the baby round the clock is simply an impossible feat. Nowadays, the wonder of technology has contributed much to the comfort of mankind. And mothers are truly blessed to have baby monitors in their aid that would ease their burden. What are Baby Monitors Baby monitors are technological device that serve as a pseudo mother who is in vigil at bedside. But when examined by professional ghost hunters, they turn out to be ghost voices also known as electronic voice phenomenon. Baby Monitors and Interference Baby monitors can either be wired and wireless. Both types of devices have their own advantages and disadvantages. For wireless devices though, one of the disadvantages is interference. Compactness The smaller the size of the baby monitor, the more effortlessly you can carry it around. Be sure that you buy a model that allows you to place the receiver inside your pocket. An option that lets you wrap the portable device around your waistline is also an excellent alternative. Sound-activated Light It can be difficult to monitor baby sounds if you're trying to vacuum the floor or watch television. The main clock functions as the sound-alarm system and is equipped with a vibrating rod attachment that should be positioned under the parents' mattress. Each time the baby wails, the alarm system triggers the rod to forewarn and awaken the parents. Some baby monitors even come with LCD screens that allow you to literally watch over your baby. The truth of the matter is that the price tag doesn t necessarily guarantee that you'll actually get what you need. Like any other products, baby monitors need to suit your lifestyle and satisfy your requirements, even to the slightest of details. So before you purchase one, try to dwell on a number of factors first. Unfortunately, parents are only humans and as such, you also get tired and will need rest from time to time. And what better way to rest than from the comforts of your room. This is where baby monitors come in handy. With these devices, you will still be able to monitor your baby even if he or she is in another room. 

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