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Detectors that feature a Target ID give you an idea of what your target is so you can decide whether or not to dig it up. Should you decide to ignore the item detected, the detector will give a sign so that it won't be retrieved. Tone ID Some detectors come with a "Tone ID" feature. Such feature makes the detector capable enough of giving off various audio tones for different target conductivities. If you're lucky, you might detect a very old coin - old enough to be considered a relic - which you can boast to your friends and fellow hunters. Coin shooting is very common at the beach (generally called "beach combing") The more experienced beach combers always keep track of tides and sand erosion to determine the best place and time to hunt for coins. Although these things may be simple, day to day items that have been lost in different places, the simple act of finding them can give a person the satisfaction that he years for. At times these people would even consider metal detecting as a hobby and may even go such long ways of purchasing different items to heighten their experience and skills. However, simply make sure that these areas are absolutely safe for you and make sure that you enter them with the proper consent. Trespassing will definitely be a risky act for you and may cost you undesirable and embarrassing consequences when caught. Seek permission and you will certainly find unusual items and new things beneath the grounds of these restricted areas. If you truly want to enjoy your experience, you can have your metal detecting when the end of the day is near so that there will be lesser people at the beach. This will give you much more space to cover and definitely enjoy a more peaceful and beautiful surrounding. Focus On The Most Usual Things The second way to enjoy your experience is to simply look for the usual things that can be found in beaches. Being Persistent All The Way In addition, you need to keep your persistence up as much as possible. You may likely experience a day or two when you can definitely find nothing even after long hours of search. However, these things must not let you down; instead they should even intensify your drive to metal detecting.
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