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Among the 'hot spots' or the best sites where you can begin your metal detecting ventures are: Local parks These are among the best spots for treasure hunters because of the constant stream of visitors. Since parks are a good place for play and recreation, there's a chance that people have lost or left their jewelry or old coins in there. WAIT UNTIL THE COAST IS CLEAR Just make sure that most people have already left before you go treasure hunting. When the coast is clear, everything you find is fair game. GRAB EVERYTHING YOU FIND Don't discriminate too much when you go metal hunting. What if that ugly shard you picked and threw away is an actual arrowhead? There are hundreds of historical sites in America alone, and learning about the historical events in a particular location will increase the enjoyment with each find. The light of discovery provides more satisfaction if you have historical knowledge to make sense of what you find. It's like finding an arrowhead and being aware that there used to be Native American settlers in the location where you found it. This will give you more options with your purchase and will make you understand the different pros and cons of each type or each brand that is available for metal detectors like you. Purchasing Your First If you are just starting with your metal detecting, you can simply purchase one metal detector. This will generally give you the idea of how metal detecting works and will train you to become a better metal detector. It is important not to simply lash out in the areas of your choice but instead, have a background check on the different areas where you will most likely find what you are looking for. It is advisable that you also consult with old and new maps in order to determine certain parts of the area that have already been forgotten and are not anymore reached by most people. Moreover, it is also important that you already have a background on these places so that you will exactly know where to go in order to explore the things that may be buried under. For this, you can even consult a map in order to check and confirm if you have already covered as much area as you would have wanted.
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