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You never know what you’ll find on California beaches! 🤪 #metaldetecting #treasurehunt #santamonica

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And to further increase your chances of finding items in these places, you should go there during busy days and holidays since there will be more people going around the places. Surely, you will sooner or later find something in the area that somebody has lost. Be careful though to avoid finding not so valuable items such as cans and junk along the way. Truly, beach metal detecting remains a pleasurable activity for many and in order for you to enjoy it more; you have to be fully dedicated with what you are doing. Although metal detecting may be deemed as something unusual by most people, it will definitely give you so much enjoyment and leisure time along the course. DO SOME RESEARCH Always take the time to study the history of locations to find out the probability of finding historical artifacts. You can also ask the elders in your community if there are particular locations that had been frequented before, but are now decrepit and abandoned. I can assure you that they're going to be nostalgic about it and won't have any qualms giving you helpful information. Finding The Right Place The third tip is to find the right places where you can conduct your metal detecting. Make sure that you avoid places that are crowded since this will limit your opportunity of exploring more grounds in the place. Moreover, it is also important that you already have a background on these places so that you will exactly know where to go in order to explore the things that may be buried under. Metal Detecting For Gold Nuggets With the advent of electronic technology, gold hunting is now a far cry from what it used to be in the time of our forefathers, way back when gold diggers used to dig fervently for gold deposits through the use of tools like pick-axes and hoes. The metal detector device has taken gold prospecting into a whole new level, bringing into the fold a slew of hobbyists that see the activity as a recreational pursuit. These can be parks, playgrounds, walkways and even business establishments and areas. Since these places are swarmed by so many people each day, you are certain that somewhere along the line these people may have lost different items such as earrings, coins, buttons and other kinds of jewelry. Although these may be typical items, the simple act of discovering them amid the busy crowd is extremely a wonderful feeling for you. 

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