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Go to the library and check out some art books to help you get some inspiration to get you going again with your creative design. Sometimes by looking at other people's works you can get past your creative block and start creating your own airbrush art again. Any form of art will work to give you inspiration since after all you can airbrush any design you see. If the wood has been waxed or has a gloss coat then sanding this will remove this and allow for the paint to stick to the surface. Skin should be cleaned with rubbing alcohol to remove any oils from the skin. The skin's own natural oils will prevent the airbrush paint from successfully sticking to the skin. Never soak or leave your airbrush exposed to Windex for any real length of time. You should not have to take your airbrush apart every night to clean it, it is alright to only do a complete break down and cleaning once a month. Just make sure you do not go any longer than that. When you take it apart to clean soak it in a commercial grade cleaner overnight. Or is it still just the application of makeup that just happens to use an airbrush? When looking at what airbrushing does when used to apply makeup, a lot of people do believe that this is a form of airbrush art. When make up is airbrushed on the effects of what it does to the subject can be really drastic. The method believed to be used in this primitive form of airbrush art was the use of a hollow bone in which to spray the paint out of by blowing through it. While this is a very primitive method compared to modern day forms of airbrushing, it does still work. Take a look at children's airbrush art kits that require the child to blow through one end of tube to create the airbrushed art. While most magazines and books will offer some pictures this is not enough for a fully visual person. So when some one is fully visual and they want to learn something the best thing they can do is watch videos that show how to do something. There are some great videos on the market that will show a beginner how to do airbrush art. 

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