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This is because the parts used here are no longer being mass produced. In fact, some motorcycle manufacturers already closed down. This basically means that you have to find another way to get your hands on the parts you need in order for you to fully restore your motorcycle. So, here are some of the ways on how you can get the parts you need for your motorcycle. This is because of the fact that you will be able to get a lot of contacts when you join a motorcycle club and get referred to people who might have the part that you are looking for to restore your bike. Another tip is to use the internet to spread the word that you are restoring a motorcycle. Be specific with the model and make of the bike you are restoring and post about your progress in blog websites. So, what does it take to finish a motorcycle restoration project? For starters, you may want to try remembering that any motorcycle restoration project requires a lot of your time, patience, and money. You also have to be dedicated to the project in order for you to finish it. The first thing that you need to do is to get the motorcycle you want to restore. It is also important that you should thoroughly examine the bike in order for you to determine what needs to be done. You should also try assigning boxes to the major components you disassemble. This will keep things organized and prevent confusion. For the engine, you may want to remember that special procedures are required to free everything up. And, the best thing about this hobby is that it can also be a family activity where you can get your teenage son or even daughter to help you out with the restoration process. If this is your first time to restore a vintage bike, here is the basic step by step process on how you can restore your vintage bike properly and easily. The Proper and Organized Way to Restore Your Vintage Bike First of all, you need to remember that there is a difference between restoring and customizing a motorcycle. If you want to customize your motorcycle, this means that you are free to change anything about your motorcycle, such as the paint and paint schemes. 

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