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Your packing schedule should take into account any redecorating or repairs you want to undertake - and should also allow for anything you need to use. These essentials should be packed over the last day, so don't leave out too much - or you'll find it very difficult to finish packing in time. Wardrobes, your garage, and shed can be packed as one of your first tasks - if you don't use your garage and its secure, you could then store any boxes there, or in cupboards. Your quotations should be coming in now too, from those that you've requested them from, and they should be making appointments to evaluate your belongings, to decide what size of van you'll need and how many men you'll need to help you move - or just the size of van you'll need. You should have chosen your new utility provider by now, and have any forms you need to fill out for your bank, so that there's no delays in changing your details to your new home. Pack items you know you won't need first - it might seem obvious, but packing up and pouting away your winter clothes in summer, or putting away your hobby stuff stored in the bottom of your closet is a must. It means you're not living out of boxes for the duration of your packing, and it also means that you'll be able to store those boxes. Dark paintwork is a definite turn off as are stained, worn or smelly carpets both of which need to be taken care of. On the latter, you could offer an 'allowance' or remove a fraction of the house costs for carpets or, if you can, invest yourself and replace them, to allow a possibly higher sale price. Houses are considered to be easiest to sell when they are clean, tidy, free of clutter, and the walls are neutrally toned - some sites and experts suggest painting your walls white, others suggest that you should paint them with pale, neutral, matching colors. If this isn't possible, it is important to make sure your walls are clean - removing clutter and cleaning woodwork and painted walls, can give your room a much needed lift. It's also a good idea when you have too much furniture for your new house, and no where to store it yourself and while garages and basements are great for short term storage, they aren't protected, in some cases against the elements, nor, possibly insured against accidents, such as fires or flood. Garages and basements also, while accessible, may also need to be used for other things. 

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