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One Week to Go Your final week will be filled with packing, rushing, and trying to arrange the last of your address changes. Your bank, credit card, mobile phone and utilities should all know that you're moving and on which date you're transferring to that address so all that remains now is to make sure that you have new utilities in your new house and that they have a definite date for beginning. Its always good to take an inventory before allowing anyone to come in and pack your belongings - and if you can, take photos. Most companies provide insurance and are consummate professionals, but some can cause more damage than the cost of hiring them, and its important to have redress when moving belongings. Your packing schedule should take into account any redecorating or repairs you want to undertake - and should also allow for anything you need to use. These essentials should be packed over the last day, so don't leave out too much - or you'll find it very difficult to finish packing in time. Wardrobes, your garage, and shed can be packed as one of your first tasks - if you don't use your garage and its secure, you could then store any boxes there, or in cupboards. It means you're not living out of boxes for the duration of your packing, and it also means that you'll be able to store those boxes. Get rid of your children's old clothes and toys BEFORE you pack - its easy to pack around small children, harder to sneak their favorite outgrown things into the bin whilst they aren't looking. A short hold lease is 6 months, and other leases can last longer. An average of around a year is a good length, though it all depends on how comfortable you are with the idea of possibly moving again within 12 months. It should also detail how long it renews for, when it renews. You'll need to ensure your notice period is a fair one - and get information on how that will work. An average four bedroom house requires around a ten tonne van, but some families have less belongings, and some have more, so its important to judge carefully and ask around rental firms for their opinion. You'll may also have to pay a deposit on your van so you should take that, and your petrol requirements into account - so that you can budget accordingly. 

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