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But if you intend to use the video monitor in different places all over the house then it would be a good idea to avail of the wireless devices. Take note though that wireless video monitors also have their limitations. The device for the baby and the device for the parents must be in their proper range with each other or else wireless intermittent connection may occur. A lot of parents nowadays fear that if they use a digital monitor to help them keep watch of their child, they might be exposing their offspring to too much of electromagnetic radiation and this may cause significant damage to the child s nervous system. Children, after all, are much more prone to damage as their systems are still developing at such a young age. Simpler monitor models will do for smaller houses, but you may need a more sophisticated monitor system for a larger house. The lifestyle and the type of work that you have to do around is also another important factor to consider, especially if your work requires you to be farther away from your baby s room and you may need a monitor that covers the range, particularly a portable one. Like any other products, baby monitors need to suit your lifestyle and satisfy your requirements, even to the slightest of details. So before you purchase one, try to dwell on a number of factors first. These things will not only serve as your guide, they will also help you pick out the best type or brand for your little one. One particular product consists of receivers that come in two parts: a main clock and a tiny sound sensor. The main clock functions as the sound-alarm system and is equipped with a vibrating rod attachment that should be positioned under the parents' mattress. Each time the baby wails, the alarm system triggers the rod to forewarn and awaken the parents. If the parents sleep in a different room from the baby, it would prove to be impossible to be able to monitor him or her perfectly unless you wake up every minute and check up on your little tyke. So the best way to do this is to use a baby monitor. With this kind of device, you can monitor your baby as if you were actually right there beside him or her.
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