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Artist Problems: 5 Rookie Oil Painting Mistakes

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With 18 step-by-step guides you will be fast on your way to showing off your work on clothing. Professional Airbrush Techniques by Vince Goodeve will teach you some pretty intricate designs. This book will help you learn how to prepare metal surfaces so that you can begin to learn or advance with airbrush art on motorcycles and cars. The oil will prevent the paint from sticking to the surface. Make sure that all the leather has been wiped down and that the alcohol has dried before beginning. When you begin you need to place a base coat of Opaque White first before you begin your actual airbrush design. Wood surfaces should be sanded prior to doing any airbrush art. Types of Airbrushes Available For Airbrush Art When doing airbrush art there are different types of airbrushes that you can choose from. Depending on what you are actually creating will also determine what airbrush you need. Once you understand the different options that are available and the benefits of each option you will be better able to determine which airbrush you need for which projects. If you are using a double action airbrush you should be experimenting to see how far back gives you how much paint spray. Once you are comfortable using the airbrush then you should work on creating shapes with your airbrush. Using a cheap surfaces airbrush circles, triangles, squares and rectangles. You two can get in on this craze and start you own fun and exciting business offering airbrush art on nails. Airbrush art on the nails is not for the beginner just getting started in airbrushing. The work area is very small and the artist has to have mastered the techniques involved with airbrushing. With low grade products you are not getting a deal at all. A good starter kit comes from Airbrush Bodyart. The kit contains everything you need to get you started creating airbrush art tattoos and then some. In their starter kit they include 2 single action ABA airbrushes, 2 hoses, 9 glass airbrush bottles, a 2 outlet air manifold, 7 60ml airbrush tattoo ink in red, blue ,white, yellow violet, fuchsia and green and the kit includes a 120ml of black airbrush tattoo ink. 

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