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Start looking at various images and keep surfing until you find the one that gets your creative juices flowing again. Print the picture that help you so that you can keep it around as your muse for as long as you need it. It may take awhile but with the limitless supply of images and artwork on the internet it is sure to keep you supplied with some inspiration. Airbrush Art Expert-Pamela Shanteau Pamela Shanteau is a renowned airbrush artists who's airbrush talent streams over multiple styles and surfaces. She is recognized among her peers and airbrush enthusiasts for your custom airbrush art. Her surfaces choices for her airbrush art include automotive and motorcycles and the body. Learn some tricks on how to create great airbrush art tattoos. This video will walk you through it all step-by-step so that you really understand the process behind airbrush art tattoos. If creating custom airbrushed t-shirts seems to be your interest but you have no experience in airbrush art then Kent Lind has the video for you. One way is all the design to fully dry then place a cloth over it and iron the shirt with the cloth between the t-shirt and the iron. Always keep the iron moving though so that you do not burn the material. Another great way if you are doing this at home is to allow the design to dry then turn the shirt inside out and throw it into the dryer for about 40 to 45 minutes on the highest heat setting. Any damage to your needle can cause very bad paint spray patterns. It is important to keep your needle from getting bend and either straightening the needle or replacing the needle. The air cap and head assembly are on the front of your airbrush and they cover the tip of the needle. The purpose of these parts is to control atomization of the paint spray. After the airbrush art tattoo is completely dry then you need to apply talc powder. The talc powder will help to absorb additional oily ensuring more life for the tattoo. An airbrushed tattoo should last for 7 days. A person with oily skin will only get around a couple of days from their tattoo. There fore you should tell your customers who have oily skin that they need to apply talc powder themselves several times a day to help get the most from their tattoo. 

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