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Easy origami hummingbird | Paper bird

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Not everyone is prepared for the challenges associated with advanced origami projects. However if the interest is there, an individual can learn how to do advanced origami. Many people are so fascinated with the idea that they design their own origami compositions. This would definitely require knowledge regarding mathematics, as well as creativity and vision. Are you finding your current hobby isn't challenging you or perhaps it's too expensive to continue? There are many reasons people decide to choose a new hobby. One enjoyable and inexpensive hobby to consider is origami. Origami is an ancient idea that began in the early 1600's. This activity began in either China or Japan. There are different levels of origami from very basic to extremely complex. Little did you know that when you were making a paper airplane as a child, you were doing an origami project. This is an example of basic origami. Many people's interest in folding paper stops at the paper airplane. However for many other people, origami is quite fascinating. This activity requires patience and so it teaches people how to be patient. Again this would be beneficial for children. Origami involves problem solving and this is a skill that is needed daily by individuals of all ages. Getting people interested in activities such as origami encourages people to develop a hobby where they can be creative and be involved in a group activity. Unless a person is caught up in the art world or has an interest in crafting, they may have never heard of origami. What is origami? It is, put simply, folding paper. This idea began hundreds of years ago however, the exact origin is unknown. It is still unknown whether it began in China or Japan. It is a known fact that the Japanese have developed advanced forms of artistic origami. However there is certainly a requirement for imagination, creativity, mathematical knowledge and patience. The challenging aspects of origami require much thought and logic. Actually folding paper is not difficult but depending on the level of origami, completing an entire project can be tough. Origami is an activity that can be learned if the individual is interested. 

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