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With this in mind they went on to develop computer programs that are capable of doing all the math necessary to generate crease patterns for any base from a given length and area arrangement. With the aid of computer programs using intricate mathematical theorems origami has become as much a puzzle as a piece of art. The Book - fold a piece of paper (rectangular or square) down the middle vertically making certain the opposite edges line up one on top of the other. For many origami figures you will need to add another book figure - open the paper and make another fold across the middle horizontally again, making sure the edges lie one on top of the other. Notable Origamists Yoshizawa, a Japanese artist helped revive the art of origami when he developed a process of dampening the paper so he could mold sculptural forms. He called the process "wet folding". With his geometric skills, great imagination and precision he created magnificent dragons, elephants and birds using a single sheet of paper. The art of origami teaches people to be aware and to pay attention. This is imperative in order to complete an origami project accurately. In a group setting the instructions are normally relayed by one person for example a teacher or instructor. To know which folds to make, the student or individual needs to listen attentively. Since origami is primarily considered art or crafting, a good place to look for details might be in an arts and crafts store. A store such as this usually sells a selection of any and all crafting activities. A store such as this will likely sell origami materials and instruction booklets. If visiting an arts and crafts store and learning they do not carry origami supplies, it's likely a salesperson can point the individual in the right direction. Certain set shapes were fashioned from folded paper for special occasions like weddings, while serrated strips of white paper were used to adorn sacred objects in the shrines, a practice that continues to this day. There wasn't a lot of origami just as an art form at that time. In Japan from the early 1600's through the late 1800's, several forms of entertainment were developed for the common people; origami, now as an art form was one of those entertainments.
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