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Both sub-species of the African Gray resemble in color, the difference is that the Congo African Gray color shades are deeper than that of the Timneh African Gray. Obviously, dominant plume hue defines its descriptive-name "Gray;" full tail is red (crimson), bills are charcoal gray, and white background surrounding its eyes. Unlike other parrot species, parrots posses an entirely different nature which are extremely playful, gentle and sweet in temperament that is perfect for its charming personality, cleverness, clear speech, and manageable behavior. They are also quieter but are good talkers if taught and trained properly. Although this parrot specie is not the most suitable parrot pet an owner can have, these large birds can live from 25 to 80 years and even beyond if taken care of properly. Understanding Macaw parrots Among the so many species of macaw parrots, the most popular include the Blue and Gold Macaw, Blue and Yellow Macaw which are the most available and popular kind of macaw parrot for being adaptable, playful, curious, and fun loving; Scarlet Macaw, Red and Yellow Macaw which are considered as among the top ten of the worlds most beautiful parrots; Greenwing Macaw, Maroon Macaw, Red and Green Macaw, Red and Blue Macaw which are extremely intelligent and inquisitive ones; Military Macaw that has fine talking skills and a pleasant behavior; Red Fronted Macaw, Red Crown or Crowned Macaw which are among the sweetest and amiable parrots; Hyacinthine or Hyacinth Macaw which is the largest among the parrot family; Hahn's Down which are full blooded Macaws which are talkative and thrive in attention and Severe Macaw which is an uncommon pet bird because of its small size. Example: When it unties cage's knots (birds do kept biting and untying); long time before you discovered it, don't whip or deprive it of meals. Birds or animals do not know of past and future. Bird's instinct is to live or act "here" and "now," and never aware of anything done ostentatiously. Sticky foods may also be plastered on the walls, on the bars of the cage and even at the ceilings. Foods will literally be everywhere. Another problem that you may have are their poop, which you really have to clean everyday. And they are not that disciplined to only poop in one place. They actually poop everywhere, in bars, in their food dish and even with the toys that you give them. Owners actually recommend that you buy the largest that you can find on the market. Some pet shops will recommend some cage sizes but remember that these are minimum sizes. If you want your pet to be comfortable and have peace of mind (which will also leave you with a peace of mind), then buy something bigger.
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