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Senegal parrots can be divided into three sub-species that can easily be characterized by the color of their bellies as well as by their following names that include Poicephalus senegalus senegalus hailing from Southern Mauritania, southern Mali to Guinea and from the Island of Los, these are known as the nominate race and has a yellow belly; Poicephalus senegalus versteri originates from the Ivory Coast and Ghana east to western Nigeria and has red belly; and Poicephalus senegalus mesotypus coming from Eastern and North- eastern Nigeria, northern Cameroon into south-western Chad and has an orange belly. Macaws are one of the most coveted birds in aviculture because of their comical and affectionate nature. Conures, on the other hand, are small cousins of the Macaw that has 2 sub-specie: Aratinga and the Pyrrhura. While Conures are known for its variety of color and gentle personality, Amazons are famous for their superb talking ability. Their existence dates back history 4,000 years ago, seen in Egyptian hieroglyphics depicting parrot pets of ancient pharaohs. Royalties and affluent Roman families kept parrots in ornate cage, so, with the Portuguese sailors who have African Gray pet parrots when the travel on their colonial conquest voyages. People associate the color red with love, Valentines, danger, desire, speed, strength, violence, anger, emergency exit signs, stop signs, and blood. Its usual attributes are strength, force, power, control, and leadership. Stimulation, warmth, excitement, good health, physical energy, love, sex, passion, courage, and protection are also associated with this strong color. Indeed, if there were one type of bird that is preferred by many pet lovers, that would be parrots. Over the years, parrots have become a popular choice for pets because they colorful, beautiful, entertaining, and impressive pets to have. And since they can be trained to talk, or imitate sounds from their environment, parrot pets are considered wonderful companions by many seasoned animal lovers. LOVEBIRDS - very adorable little small breed from Africa, lovebirds can be tamed like common parrots except for the aggressiveness towards opposite sex, the male rubs the perch as a distinct sexual behavior, which is quite disturbing to some owners. They have to be housed in different cages. Generally, lovebirds are excellent in parenting their siblings and very good in breeding. 

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