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African Grey Parrots is probably the most intelligent parrot there is. Despite their intelligence, greys can be hard to handle because they are generally quiet, resulting to stress attacks and reactions. Cockatoos are considered among the favorites because they are beautiful, smart, playful, cuddly, and good talkers. Despite its superb characteristics, African Grey parrots are not suitable for all environments especially those with children because they can be strong, they can bite using their pointed beak, and they can scratch with their daunting claws. If you are planning to buy an African Grey parrot or planning to have one, it is a must that you know almost everything about this specific type of parrot so you would know what to expect. Senegal parrots can be divided into three sub-species that can easily be characterized by the color of their bellies as well as by their following names that include Poicephalus senegalus senegalus hailing from Southern Mauritania, southern Mali to Guinea and from the Island of Los, these are known as the nominate race and has a yellow belly; Poicephalus senegalus versteri originates from the Ivory Coast and Ghana east to western Nigeria and has red belly; and Poicephalus senegalus mesotypus coming from Eastern and North- eastern Nigeria, northern Cameroon into south-western Chad and has an orange belly. Both sub-species of the African Gray resemble in color, the difference is that the Congo African Gray color shades are deeper than that of the Timneh African Gray. Obviously, dominant plume hue defines its descriptive-name "Gray;" full tail is red (crimson), bills are charcoal gray, and white background surrounding its eyes. Parrots for Sale It is clear some people want to have parrot as pet. If you are that person, you may be anxious about getting the finest one for your personal satisfaction, care and business. Parrots are for sale all around, and selling such pet is 100% different from selling home commodities. It will need time and dedication. Now this is quite a big deal raising parrots to abide silent rules of knowing when it must be inside or outside a cage. The reality of having parrots as pet is all about the freedom it can get to interact with its owners. If a parrot is constantly in the cage wailing repeated shrieks all the time, then it is nothing but a talking trophy.
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