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Take a woman who has flawed skin and airbrush a light foundation onto her face and you now have a woman with perfect skin. The great thing is that the foundation is light weight and barely noticeable. Airbrush makeup has been able to take a woman that is plain and turn her into an exotic beauty with the right application of certain makeup. Once you master that then your options are endless with the vast array of stencils out there. A bottom feed or siphon feed airbrush works best when putting airbrush art onto a t-shirt. You should always stick with a name brand airbrush when airbrushing. The best name brands to go with are the Iwata or Badger. AirBrush Action offers their Airbrush Getaway Workshops that run from a one day class to four day classes and are located in Las Vegas, Nevada. The workshops offered cover airbrush t-shirt art, murals on steel introduction, achieving photorealism, pinup art, pin striping and much more on airbrush art. But no matter what material your stencils are made from they all have to things in common. One the stencils can start to get expensive purchasing. Secondly you are limited to only creating designs based on the stencils that you can get your hands on. While these stencils can greatly aid you in your airbrush art, they also can hinder your creativity. Being able to do micro airbrushing will allow for the artist to create a more realistic and more in depth detail on all small areas of their airbrush design. It is in these small areas that a lot of artist miss the chance to really define the details because they are unable to fully create the detailed area. The cost for this art is expensive and you can cut your costs down by learning how to do it yourself. Also by doing it yourself you have more of a say in how it will turn out. As you can see airbrush art can fit for anyone's tastes and needs. With airbrush art you can go extreme with fantasy art or murals of realistic scenery. 

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