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Here we make a list of the pros and cons of the online savings accounts. The Good Side of the Online Savings Accounts The best thing is the convenience that you get. You do not have to stand in serpentine queues anymore to find out what s going on with your account. You are also saved from the travel that you need to make up to your bank, which closes at a particular hour to add to the miseries. Warren Buffett's approach of "KISS" or "Keep It Simple Stupid" is something that any novice investor can follow. He advocates never placing money into any venture that he doesn't immediately understand such as micro technology. A second guideline for the newcomer to stocks is to do your own checking before parting with any cash. As with anything else it's vital to understand the rules of the game and how they apply to the position you are planning to take. For example if you don't understand stock market terminology you shouldn't even think of investing. Even with a helpful stock broker it would be foolish to risk your hard earned cash by investing in something you don't fully understand. " as more and more people look to provide themselves with a better financial future. For any new investor there many different answers to the question "how do I get started". In the stock market there a large number of different options to choose from. A good place to start is by considering if you should be investing at all. The first thing is not to panic. Easy enough to say I know but it really isn't going to help. Just stop and think of a plan of action. Before you do anything else at all, contact the companies you owe the money too. Explain the situation you've found yourself in and ask what they can do to help. Some, not all, but some companies will freeze the interest, especially if you've always had a triple A credit rating in the past. There are a number of different ways of learning about the stock market and you should choose one which is best suited to your own particular learning style. If for example you prefer to learn by watching you could invest in DVDs in preference to buying a book. One way which is becoming increasingly popular is to learn by attending seminars. 

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