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Physiotherapy Helps Postural Problems Postural problems have always been a problem; they are even worse in the modern workplace. Too many times people have to reach for their computer mouse, putting them in unnatural positions. There is help for both kinds of postural problems in physiotherapy. Posture is the way one stands, sits, or walks. This happens because, without proper amputee rehabilitation, the patient relies on one set of muscles to the exclusion of others. A proper plan of physiotherapy can address this issue. People who have lost a limb will need an individualized exercise program. Physiotherapy can provide such a program during amputee rehabilitation. The elderly have diseases and disorders in greater numbers than any other age group. Their care is difficult, but rewarding. Geriatric physiotherapy became a specialty of physical therapy study in 1989. Since then, physiotherapists have worked to understand the problems of the aging. There is a long list of problems dealt with in geriatric physiotherapy. One is an exercise where one lies prone and moves as if swimming. This protects the back while giving the surrounding muscles a workout. Lower back pain exercises called flexion exercises strengthen the midsection to provide support for the back. If the lower back pain is reduced when one sits, these exercises are important. After this time, your physiotherapist will work with you to ease you back into all your old activities. If a patient has cardiac surgery and then does nothing to regain strength, that patient will soon weaken. Physiotherapy offers a means to stay in shape, or get into shape. It lends more purpose to the cardiac surgery by making the patient much healthier than before the surgery ever took place. What Spinal Cord Injury Patients Can Accomplish with Physiotherapy Sports injuries and car accidents, among other injuries, can cause spinal cord injury. The range of spinal cord injury is wide. Some of these injuries are fairly minor and will heal well with a limited amount of physiotherapy, while others need physiotherapy for the rest of their lives.
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