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This means that the agent enjoys the same amount of privileges and access to the assets of the principal. For example, the agent can have access to the safety deposit box of the principal and transfer sales or investments, among other powers. Entrusting all your assets and personal affairs as a principal is like entrusting your life to your attorney-in-fact. The principal can also choose to appoint an agent or the attorney in fact (the person to whom the power of attorney is given to) to be his or her representative when they become ill. Some, in fact, appoint people to act on their stead while they are in the hospital and to make any medical decisions in their stead like when they need to pull the plug in case of a comatose. In addition to that, it could also end upon the death of the principal or when the principal, given that h/she is still competent, decided to destroy the document. The principal could also sign or create another document, duly notarized, stating the termination of the document. Often, the power of attorney states an alternate attorney-in-fact, in case the original is compromised or dies. After all, what other power do attorneys need than the legal ones, given to them when they became lawyers? What exactly is a power of attorney? Power of attorney does not refer to a power intrinsic to the lawyer or attorney. It is actually given to a person even if he or she is not a lawyer. Still, many of those who are given the power of attorney are lawyers, often family lawyers who are trusted to deal with a wide range of things. When they fall ill, become physically or mentally incapacitated, some power of attorney agreements are honored provided that they have the provision that the contract will still be valid when these things happen. Otherwise, they will also become void. It is also assumed that the agent will be completely honest and truthful with his business dealings in representing the principal. In doing so, you can rest assured that everything goes smoothly as you planned when you are mentally incapacitated. Another power that you can grant to a trusted person concerns your health care. Health care powers of attorney refer to legal documents that designate someone to make financial decisions for your estate should you become disabled, in which case you cannot make decisions on your own. 

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