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Experimental Collagraph Printmaking - (Part 1)

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Classic paintings can be airbrushed onto canvas to give for great wall art. With airbrushing the paint goes on to the canvas more evenly than if it had been hand painted. Also the time frames are shortened when the paintings are airbrushed versus hand painted. Family portraits can be airbrushed over hand painted as well to give for a more realistic painting. Talk about the paints that you use, the types of airbrushes and so on and so forth. By discussing your techniques and sharing your insight you will show your audience that you are an artist that knows what they are doing. Once you have a couple of post up telling about yourself and showing off some of your work then you are ready to get your blog seen by the world. There are some great videos on the market that will show a beginner how to do airbrush art. These videos are created by expert airbrush artists that will show you exactly what you need to know. Air Brush Action offers up a good beginner's video called AirBrush Action Introduction to Airbrush. This video comes on DVD and will help you to learn about airbrush art. Tie dyed looks and large hippy flowers and even the peace signs were making their way onto vehicles during this era. Airbrushing the artwork on took a lot of time out of painting the vehicles over doing the designs by hand. Thus airbrush art was being experimented with on vehicles at this point. The way we use airbrushing now to create art surly has come along way from the primitive methods used by our ancestors and even our parents. This book will help you learn how to prepare metal surfaces so that you can begin to learn or advance with airbrush art on motorcycles and cars. While the book will teach you some intricate designs do not worry though cause the book, also has some simple projects that you can start with when working with airbrushing motorcycles and cars. If you want to use a more durable material to create your stencils you can use the plastic pocket folders. These can be picked up rather cheaply from the store in the office supply section or hit the back to school supplies. You will need an exacto knife to cut your design out. Depending on the size of your stencil you can probably create more than one stencil from this plastic folder. 

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