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By reading this book you will learn about the equipment and other materials that you will be using. The effects that you will learn about include freehand, edge effects, highlights, lettering and several others. How to Airbrush T-shirts and Other Clothing by Diana Martin is good for beginners or can be used by the more experience airbrush artist who wants to learn the techniques used for airbrushing textiles. It does not matter though if they have dry or oily skin you should apply talc powder as soon as the airbrush art tattoo dries. Airbrush tattoos do cost money and customers are not going to spend that money if their tattoo does not last for at least close to what is expected. So make sure that you take all the prep and post steps to ensure that they do get a great realistic looking tattoo. Most artists find the using their airbrush without the needle cap gives them more control. Removing the needle cap is fine but should you hit your airbrush against something or drop it you could end up damaging the needle itself. So to take care of your airbrush make sure that when you are not using your airbrush that you replace the needle cap back onto it. This video is intended for beginners to learn first how to construct an airbrush and also for cleaning purposes how to take the airbrush apart. Cleaning the airbrush is covered in this video as well. For the actual creation of artwork you will learn about the dagger/flare stroke, styles and basics on lettering and color theory. The designs are only limited to the stencils in which the artist can get their hands on and the artists imagination. This form of airbrush art has become very popular and a lot of salons around the world are offering this to their clients. Airbrush art is also available on fake nails and are sold at almost every store that carries fake nails. One such specific design video is Creating Killer Dragons, produced by AirBrush Action Magazine with master airbrush artist Crossed Eyed. Crossed Eyed will teach you how to create airbrushed dragons by showing you all the essential techniques involved in rendering all aspects of the dragon. Killer Klown with Javier Soto will show you how to create airbrushed clowns. 

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