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Take care of the health of the birds by subjecting them to regular checkups. There are certain vaccination shots that should be enjoyed by these birds including shots for pox and paratyphoid. It may be best if you can worm these birds at least twice a year. If your budget is more than okay, it is best as well to get vitamins and supplements for the birds. However, you have to be more meticulous when you want to raise a pigeon for racing. In this case, how a pigeon's loft is designed plays a big role in making sure that they will be raised to their full potential. Here is a breakdown of loft designing fundamentals that will help your pigeon become potential champions in pigeon racing. The sense of responsibility that one acquires in raising these magnificent birds is something that I'll always treasure. Racing pigeons have also instilled in me a competitive fire that few of my peers can match. The data gathering, the strict training program, and the meticulous feeding, etc. have all contributed to my sense of discipline. Without vitamins, the racing pigeon might not be able to sustain itself from the pressures of racing and competition. Vitamins supplements must be given along with food and water to increase the pigeon's level of health. Not all of the vitamins, minerals and trace elements are present in grains; therefore, these should be given to the pigeons in some other form. So you are wondering about what a futurity race is all about. To set the record straight, the futurity race is a kind of event that is being sponsored or held by loft managers or the pigeon clubs. The entire purpose for which is to bring together all the top trainers from different countries who will then compete against each other for a stipulated prize. These birds can be vaccinated at the same age and these birds can be ranged and routed as well at the same age. These birds at their tender age are often grouped together in a specialized housing called the loft, and this will serve as their home up until their racing days. What to expect in the first 28 days Once these young birds have stayed for around 28 days on their nest, they are supposed to be transferred to a much larger loft. 

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