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Lactic acid plays a crucial role in the performance of racing pigeons

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Training tosses tips There are some factors too that needs to be practiced when doing the first few training tosses. The racing pigeons should be in perfect health during training. Consider as well the number of days spent in routing and ranging If you can, you also need to consider the quality of pigeons migrating The best time to train these pigeons is during a clear day. These birds feed on plants, seeds, and fruits. The mother pigeons also generate crop milk. Surprisingly, the fathers also produce crop milk for their young ones. Both parents take care of the nourishment of their young ones. The Pigeons' Diet The principal diet constituents of pigeons include the seeds and fruits. You may even end up with a pigeon that has both the best and worst traits from its parents what a waste that will be! Also, while in-breeding does not have to spend that much money for bigger generation gaps (because the mating pigeons are IN the same generation), it may however end up becoming more financially-challenging because of the need to eliminate pigeons with non-ideal traits. Training a Young Bird The basic training of a youngster must be done by the handler himself. It is about familiarizing the bird with its handler. Later on, as the handler executes the commands, the bird learns to obey. This is also the time to build the bird's confidence regarding a direct contact with a human being. Timers used in the race should print the time the birds return to their lofts. Dead Time For extremely long races, a dead time may be called for. Usually, the dead time is used to close the race during the night. This dead time begins 30 minutes before the official sunset and resumes 30 minutes before the official sunrise in the area where the race is being held. Placing the loft on a pair of stacked cinder blocks can definitely do the job. As for the height of elevation, 18"-25" off the ground should be good enough. This set-up allows air to circulate under the loft to keep it dry. Using a wooden floor also prevents the building up of moisture from pigeon droppings. 

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