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How China Broke the World's Recycling

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Because a computer has different components that are made from a wide array of raw materials, these release toxic ingredients like mercury, lead, cadmium, and other radioactive material into the groundwater, soil or air. Many Computer Parts Can Be Recovered Through Recycling Because of the toxic nature of most of the computer's parts, the storage, handling,disposal and recycling of computers is a sensitive task. Used aluminum beverage cans are among the most easily-recyclable items today. A used aluminum can be recycled and returned back to the grocery shelf in as little as 60 days, and recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a television set for 3 hours. 2.5 million plastic bottles are used in the United States each day, and most of them are thrown away. - At your office, encourage the use of electronic mails instead of constantly writing office memos. Also promote the use of copiers or printers which have an option to print or copy on both sides. Also encourage your coworkers to actively participate in any recycling program. - At home, encourage family members to use both sides of paper. Styrofoam is also placed under roads and other structures to prevent freezing, thawing and other soil disturbances. The Terrible Environment Legacy of Styrofoam Because polystyrene is made from petroleum, it s highly-flammable and contains a toxic chemical called benzene. Styrofoam is known to take a long time to break down once it s disposed and thrown in a landfill. Here are some positive developments to cheer about: An estimated 8,550 curbside recycling programs are now operating in the United States, and these recycling and composting programs have recovered 32.1 percent, or 79 million tons of material solid waste. The total number though does not include data from hazardous, industrial and construction waste. CFL s, and other fluorescent lamps generally have small amounts of mercury inside them that are used as vapor inside the glass tubing. A typical CFL unit will contain as much as 3 to 5 mg of mercury, while some contain 1 mg or less. Since mercury is a highly-toxic material, its disposal in landfills or incinerators poses a major health safety issue, because burning or burying them in the ground can contribute to air and water pollution. 

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