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Artifacts and archeological studies have indicated that as early as 400 BC, ancient waste dumps have shown less household wastes, especially during periods where there was a reported scarcity in resources. The lack of household wastes in ancient dumpsites has clearly shown that more waste was being recycled, due to the scarcity of new materials. Positive Recycling Facts And Figures To Cheer About The last time the US Environment Protection Agency released data regarding The national recycling data was way back in 2005. While the current figures have yet to be released, the 2005 data has indicated a positive improvement for recycling and materials recovery. You can do this by putting up signs or advertisements in your area, where you can arrange to pick up the recyclable items from your neighbor s homes. Be on the lookout for old or reused computers and PC monitors, because these items can actually be upgraded for re-use. The screens, memory cards, circuit boards and other components can also be resold or recycled. Also determine whether your local recycling facility accepts or recycles waxed cardboard. Waxed cardboard types include milk and juice cartons. Call your state or county recycling department for more information regarding waxed cardboard recycling. These days, it s easy for consumers to recycle the cardboard items they have at home. Drop-Off Centers For Recyclables A drop-off center refers to a central location that s established to accept different types of recyclable materials. Even if a town or city has special curbside pick-up points, consumers may wish to transport their used materials here, especially if they have hazardous or toxic materials at home, and don t know how to safely store these. Pyrolisis- A New Method For Recycling Used Tires While the improper disposal or burning of used car tires has not yet completely disappeared, the disposal and recycling of these items has improved. A new process called pyrolisis, is an eco-friendly technique that uses a special mechanism for heating old tires, in a closed and oxygen-free environment. 

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