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Tie dyed looks and large hippy flowers and even the peace signs were making their way onto vehicles during this era. Airbrushing the artwork on took a lot of time out of painting the vehicles over doing the designs by hand. Thus airbrush art was being experimented with on vehicles at this point. The way we use airbrushing now to create art surly has come along way from the primitive methods used by our ancestors and even our parents. Individually all the same products that you get in the kit, would run you around $346. If you want to step your airbrush kit up then Airbrush Bodyart offers a professional kit. This kit includes a 4 outlet air manifold, 4 single action ABA airbrushes, 12 glass airbrush bottles, 4 air hoses, 10 60ml of airbrush art tattoo inks in white, blue, red, yellow, violet, fuchsia, green, fluorescent green, fluorescent yellow and fluorescent blue and 1 120ml of black airbrush tattoo ink. Beginners should really take the time to practice on how the trigger works so that they can perfect their ability to airbrush. Your airbrush will have a back lever as well that acts to shut off the air flow and paint flow when the trigger is released. If this should be come damaged then you could have serious problems with your airbrush. This video will walk you through it all step-by-step so that you really understand the process behind airbrush art tattoos. If creating custom airbrushed t-shirts seems to be your interest but you have no experience in airbrush art then Kent Lind has the video for you. Kent Lind will show you t-shirt airbrush art in his video Introduction To T-Shirt Airbrushing. Being able to do micro airbrushing will allow for the artist to create a more realistic and more in depth detail on all small areas of their airbrush design. It is in these small areas that a lot of artist miss the chance to really define the details because they are unable to fully create the detailed area. So someone who has no real prior knowledge this book will help you understand the airbrushes that you will be using when creating airbrushed artwork. Getting Started in Airbrush by David Miller is also a great beginner's book on airbrushing. The book will give step-by-step instructions on the basic level of airbrushing techniques and how to create different effects with your airbrush art.
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