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Preferably get an air compressor that will adjust between 10-18 psi if you do not go with the Iwata Silver Jet. To do airbrush art on nails you will need nail art stencils or nail art masks. The nail art masks are reusable masks that have an adhesive that does not leave any residue on the nails. Of course if you are really creative and very good you can freehand the airbrush art right onto the nails. The use of talc powder after the design has dried will help to keep oil from building back up and thus still ruining the airbrushed tattoo. Nails should be clean and buffed prior to beginning. Buffing the nails will give for a rougher surface for the paint to cling onto. Prior to actually airbrushing the nails, a base coat should be applied. In this case you are still going to use the alcohol but for airbrush tattoos it is to get rid of the oil on the skin and not to sanitize an area for a needle. Once you have removed the oil from the area the airbrush art tattoo will stick a lot better. This will give more life to the tattoo. Now that you are ready to begin airbrushing the tattoo on, you need to take your time and be careful of what you are doing. One video that is great for beginners that are interested in airbrush art tattoos is the SHOW OFFS BODY ART How to Airbrush Tattoos. This video is on DVD and runs about 90 minutes. Through this video Donna Nowak will walk you through all aspects from equipment and materials to the application process. Kustom Pinstriping Techniques featuring airbrush artist Craig Fraser will show you all the aspects of pin striping. This video will show you everything you need to comprehend about pin striping so that you can reach professional level pin striping. With this video you can learn about the design and application process, the different types of airbrushes for pin stripping and which brush is right for which job. Make sure to actually talk to your audience. Tell them about yourself and your passion for airbrush art. Show some pictures of your work and tell your audience how you created that design. Talk about the paints that you use, the types of airbrushes and so on and so forth. By discussing your techniques and sharing your insight you will show your audience that you are an artist that knows what they are doing.
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