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Blame, Guilt and Loneliness: Single Parent Struggles

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It s just that his or her intelligence may lie some field else that he or she and even the parents themselves have yet to discover. For single parents to have better performing kids in school, it is best to be sensitive to what she or he can attain. Don t force the child do understand or do something that he or she really doesn t know or cannot perform. The difference between single-parent "family" and single-parent "household" The practice of single parenting can be a single-parent "family" or single-parent "household." A single parent family is when there is only one parent and the other parent is completely out of the child's life. But when there is no way to mend the failing relationship, it would be best to opt for single parenting than to sacrifice not only one's emotional health but of the child as well. If you are one of those who has just went through separation and you have the child in your custody, now is the best time to gear up for single parenting. Some say because of so many options people have when it comes to choosing their partners. While others agree that the busy schedule brought by the modern times is the major culprit. No matter what the reasons are for separation of couples who have kids, there is no reason for anybody to be an irresponsible parent. Like every challenge that you will need to face in life, there are ways to getting around it and finally overcoming it. You may not be a situation that you can solve right off and get rid of but you can certainly make it easier and more manageable. Here are three things that you can do to survive single parenting. This way you will be able to test if you all can be a family together and if your child is okay with the idea. For those who have raised their kids singlehandedly from the time of their baby s birth, this should not be a problem but for those whose children experienced the attention of a father or a mother, wooing them to the idea of having another one can be a challenge. 

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