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Single Parenting And School Being raised by a single parent can affect kids' performance in school. This is because they are given less time and guidance by their parents. However, experts say that despite single parenting, a child can still perform well in school given proper monitoring and support. With him or her knowing where their place is, things will be a lot easier to deal with. Involve the child later Although it is not good to involve the child at the early stages of the dating because he or she might be exposed to potential father or mother figures that will quickly disappear as they have appeared; when things become serious, it is good to involve the kid. Experts say that this is very important for them because they will feel that they are old enough to understand the issues that old people go through. Since they have lots of issues, it would be better to take things slowly and explain the reasons one day at a time. You can start by explaining the real reason for the break up without having to blame anybody. This is result of the increasing number of marriages that have failed and of course, of all the relationships that didn t work out. Many people whose relationships are on the rocks don t realize it yet that single parenting would be the best option for their child rather than placing them in an environment where there is tension everyday. This will create the false impression that you or somebody else is at home. Aside from the lights, you can also leave your television set and radio on. Just make sure that they all have timers and they are set at specific time of your arrival. Setting the timer of these appliances will also ensure that they will not cause fire if they are left turned on for a long period of time. Encourage your child to nurture his relationship with his dad by constantly reminding something good about his father like a beautiful voice or an enjoyable bonding game they enjoy. 7. Ways to reach out to support networks - Swallowing a little pride and confiding some of your concerns to your family and friends will lighten your parental load. 

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